First Words

March 25, 2020

Dear Montana HD48 Voter,

My name is Leigh Verrill-Rhys and I am standing for the Montana Legislature, House District 48 (HD48).

As a recent resident of the Treasure State, I am aware of the trends in our communities and our country toward more centralized and concentrated government bureaucracy which limits the rights of citizens to govern their own lives, their children’s education, determine who will be admitted into this nation and who will pay for the healthcare of our neighbors.

I was born in Maine, grew up in California and lived in Wales for thirty-two years. My ancestry includes generations of the rocky-soil farmers of Maine and the dairy farmers of Pennsylvania. I am the proud mother of three young men with six grandchildren. I am proud to be the daughter of a World War II veteran, Thomas, and his incredibly strong wife, Virginia, who followed him across the U.S. with five children in tow and rationing in place as he was reassigned to bases as far afield as Georgia, Louisiana and California.

Despite my American upbringing of respect for the law, our Constitution, the rights of others, church on Sunday, Christian values and above all, a love for my family and for God, as an adult, through the education process then (and now) in colleges, I became a liberal. My values were distorted by a narrative that continually attacked all I had come to know as the way to live in a free country.

I came to realize that this narrative was in direct opposition to the form of government that our ancestors painstakingly formed for the good of all people who choose to abide by these very basic principles: Liberty, Justice, Freedom of thought and speech, Freedom of religion, our Right to defend life and property, and so many other rights and freedoms that we have come to take for granted.

I am standing for public office for the first time in my life and asking for your help to prevent the political narrative that has destroyed the once gracious and prosperous Golden State and turned it into a swamp of poverty and disease. In legislative races, the maximum any one person can give is $180.00 or $360.00 for a couple. To help me win this race, I’m asking you to give as much as you can, the maximum if possible. However, any amount is truly appreciated!

If what I’ve said in this open letter sounds good to you, contribution by credit card through Paypal (see also link to the left) or by check. These may be made payable to “Friends of Leigh Verrill-Rhys” and mailed to

Friends of Leigh Verrill-Rhys
P O Box 23313
Billings, Montana 59104

You may also contact me on Facebook: @Leigh4MTHD48 and Twitter: @everwriting9

Thank you for your support.


Leigh Verrill-Rhys,
Republican Candidate, HD48

2 thoughts on “First Words”

  1. This is the first I have heard that you are running for State office! Though my ballot did not have your name on it for the primaries…I wish you the best of luck in your run! I sure miss you and Dulais!

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